Elaina has been a part of Dallas Metro for six years—exactly half of her twelve years on earth.
“It was six years ago when staff members from Dallas Metro came around and passed out flyers about the truck and I went to a Friday show. It was fun. I got to play games and we talked about Jesus. And afterwards, they passed out snacks.”
From that moment, Elaina never missed a Metro Kidz show. She was always there. And she would help Dallas Metro staff members knock on doors in her apartment complex to tell them about Metro and the weekly shows.
Now that Elaina is older, she still helps out with the Metro Kidz shows. She assists in passing out prizes and does other things to help.
Elaina has been learning from the Dallas Metro programs ever since that very first show she attended. And learning is something she truly enjoys. She reads the Bible and is constantly seeking explanations of the passages she reads.
The seventh grader also loves learning in school. “Science is my favorite subject in school. I like to read books about science and books with action.”
And when she’s not in school?
“I like to go outside and play with my friends. And I also like to watch movies. The best movie I’ve seen this year is Batman versus Superman. It had a lot of action.”
So, with movies in mind, when Elaina was asked what she would like to be when she grows up,” she quickly announced, “I want to be an actor in movies and on television. In fourth grade I acted in a Willy Wonka play. It was fun.”
In a few years, Elaina may be taking Hollywood by storm. But, for now, she has goals right here in Dallas. She says when she graduates high school she doesn’t want to leave Dallas Metro behind. “I want to keep being a part of it. I want to be a volunteer.”